———— 展 览 前 言 ————
宋述林 杨扬
———— 展 览 信 息 ————
开馆时间:周二-周日 9:00-17:00
———— 优 秀 作 品 欣 赏 ————
山 东 财 经 大 学
作品名称:前赤壁赋 | The First Ode for the Red Cliff
作者:付安之 Fu Anzhi
指导教师:石以品 Shi Yipin
材质:纸本 Paper scroll
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:书法 calligraphy
The whole piece is a twelve-piece miniature of Su Shi’s “The First Ode for the Red Cliff” in Mi Fu’s cursive style. The fugue recounts what the author and his friends saw and felt during a boat trip to the Red Cliff. Taking the author’s subjective feelings as a clue and by the question-and-answer format, it reflects the author’s relaxation boating in the moonlit night his sorrowful sorrow for the past and the present, and his spiritual liberation.
作品名称:鲁学集物斋 | Lu Xue Collection Workshop
作者:胡昌军 Hu Changjun
指导教师:蓝天娇 Lan Tianjiao
媒材:胶版印刷 丝网印刷 锡纸 Offset printing,Screen printing,Tinfoil
创作日期:2022 年 3 月 20 日
研究领域:品牌形象设计 Brand Image Design
"Lu Xue set content" brand, "namely" Qilu area (Shandong province), and "learning" is refers to the outstanding traditional culture, the word "learning" as the name implies, namely in qilu area outstanding traditional culture, covered in addition to the familiar here in Shandong province intangible, and integrated into the modern fashion culture. "Lu Xue set content" to build a strong culture container, the excellent traditional culture and the emerging culture of Shandong province orderly, have the combination together, according to the article "food art" four basic module framework to build, will have a basic classification of Qilu culture and make the orderly column, can make more clear and direct understanding of the excellent culture of Qilu area.
美 国 拿 撒 勒 大 学
Title: My Lady | 窈窕淑女
Name:Danielle Kennedy 丹妮尔·肯尼迪
Instructor: Mitchell Messina
Medium: Ceramics 陶瓷
Date of Completion: March 2022
Size: 6ft
Area of Study: Ceramics 陶瓷
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
My Lady combines the classical aspects of Italian Renaissance art, with a modern twist using geometric shapes. This piece is meant to show how over the years women in society feel forced to fit a certain classic image and stick to the stereotype society has given us. However, in today's society, many women are drifting from this mindset and are working to transform themselves to fit a modern version of themselves that they feel most confident in.
Title: Sgraffito Leaf Set | 刮除法叶子集
Name:Danielle Kennedy 丹妮尔·肯尼迪
Instructor: Mitchell Messina
Medium: Ceramics 陶瓷
Date of Completion: March 2022
Size: 6ft
Area of Study: Ceramics 陶瓷
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
This set was made to show beautiful decoration on various clay body forms. The colors used in this sgraffito set are the terracotta clay body with black underglaze which was inspired by classic Greek Pottery (such as their red figure vases).
这套作品是为了在各种粘土体形式上展示美丽的装饰。陶土体上的黑色底釉使用的这套 sgraffito颜色灵感来自经典的希腊陶器(如他们的红色人物花瓶)。
———— 作 品 欣 赏 ————
山 东 财 经 大 学
作品名称:荷花图 | Lotus figure
作者:毛英昕 Mao Yingxin
指导教师:王志勇 Wang Zhiyong
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The work was inspired by the summer lotus with reference to the brushwork of Song Dynasty. It uses shading, highlighting and other methods to sketch lotus leaves, and is slightly different from the traditional fine brush painting
作品名称:卜算子.咏梅 | Song of Divination Ode to the Plum Blossom
作者:王艺颖 Wang Yiying
指导教师:王志勇 Wang Zhiyong
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:书法 calligraphy
" Song of Divination Ode to the Plum Blossom" is a poem created by Mao Zedong by using Lu You's homology and the same meaning. This work depicts the beautiful and tenacious image of plum blossom and encourages people to have the powerful and unyielding spirit of optimism after the revolution. The first part mainly writes the beautiful posture of plum blossom, which opens in the cold and is proud of cold. It depicts the beauty, enthusiasm and perseverance of plum blossom. The second part mainly writes about the spirit of plum blossom, which shows its strong and unyielding spirit. It is not afraid of cold, full of confidence and humility to spring.
作品名称:山水 | Landscape Paintings
作者:刘畅 Liu Chang
指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
仿元人山水笔意,整幅为 6 块小品。作品采用传统披麻皴的笔法,间用水色,先皴后染,用墨色分山石结构、青色和浅绛丰富肌理,意在古朴稚拙中表现晕染变化之能势,在意境清幽中营造秀美灵动之神。
The whole piece imitates the way of landscape painting in the works of the Yuan dynasty and consists of six small paintings. The work uses the traditional brushwork of Peima Cun, interspersed with water colours.It is first chapped and then dyed, using ink to divide the structure of the rocks and green to enrich the texture. It is intended to express the dynamic sense of haloing and change in the simple and naïve bushworks, and to create a soul of beauty and spirituality in the quietness of the mood.
作品名称:寒林图 | Cold Forest
作者:韩潇毅 Han Xiaoyi
指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
In the creation, the skeleton is constructed with line first, then the light and shade and texture is enriched with ink, and finally the color is applied according to the needs of the picture. What landscape painting pursues in modeling is the combination of objective description of concrete objects and subjective "abstract" meaning, so that the form, spirit and meaning of the picture can achieve harmony and unity.
作品名称:格桑卓玛 | Droma Galsang
作者:高滢 Gao Ying
指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The main form of painting is freehand brushwork, in which figures are almost as big as real people. Rhythmic lines speak of the feelings of a young girl, whose eyes are reverent and hands folded, standing on a rural pilgrimage road. With faith in the heart, there is strength under the feet.
作品名称:山居图 | Dwelling in the Mountains
作者:许露珠 Xu Luzhu
指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年 4 月 April,2022
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The peaks in the painting are all made and chapped by Peima Cun. Several trees and highly postured stones in the close-up and mid-range show the space in the painting, and the houses and characters increase the level changes of the painting. That’s why the work is named Dwelling in the Mountains.
作品名称:前赤壁赋 | The First Ode for the Red Cliff
作者:刘金稞 Liu Jinke
指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The whole six pieces of landscape, looking for the meaning of Ming dynasty, depicts the beautiful and quiet ancient Chinese pastoral scenery. Landscape sketch is one of the important categories of Chinese landscape painting. It represents the spiritual pursuit of ancient scholars and expresses their leisure and elegance. Sketch painting has the characteristics of "all the subtle, to the broad".
作品名称:花鸟册页 | Flowers And Birds Album
作者:刘珈辰 Liu Jiachen
指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
整幅 6 块小品,借鉴陈洪绶花鸟册页中的典型形象进行重新拼凑,创作。没有刻意追求工整的效果,整体作品粗狂放达,线条形散而神不散,设色直白中见精妙。整体上渴望能够体现出对于花鸟画最初的朴素认知,希望达到一种面目粗糙但和谐一致的效果。
The whole 6 pieces of sketches are reassembled and created by referring to the typical images in Chen Hongshou's flower and bird album. There is no deliberate pursuit of neat effect. The overall work is rough and unrestrained, with scattered lines and exquisite colors. On the whole, it is eager to reflect the initial simple cognition of flower and bird painting, and hopes to achieve a rough but harmonious effect.
作品名称:《溪山图》 | Stream and Mountain
作者:王晴 Wang Qing
指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia
材质:纸本 Paper scroll
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese Painting
画上行书提款,绿树黄鹂处处山 , 偶从溪上看云还 , 人生未许全无事 , 才得登临便是闲。壬寅年春王晴。此诗与画中崇山伟峰相呼应,描述了下瞰穷谷,瀑流灵泉,云霭林木,山寺幽居点缀其间境界高远的场景。画上草书提款,崎岖客路历羊肠 , 宴坐先生荷制裳。东海文人工写照 , 世间端自有閒忙。壬寅年春王晴。此画笔墨以山石作披麻皴,皴擦并用,树木枝叶钩点结合,亭台、茅舍用线横直、长短变化创作而成。
On the painting there is a poem in running script of a mountain dipicting green trees and orioles. This poem echoes the sublime mountains and peaks in the painting, describing the scene of the steep valley below, the waterfalls and spiritual springs, the clouds and forest, and the mountain temples and secluded dwellings dotting the landscape. On the painting there is painted a poem in cursive script dipicting the rugged road the gentleman sitting at the banquet is wearing a dress. The painting is a combination of brushwork and ink, with the rocks chapped and rubbed. The branches and leaves of the trees hooked and dotted, and the pavilion and cottage created with lines of varying length and straightness.
作品名称:禽鸟图 | Bird Drawing
作者:张芸凤 Liu Chang
指导教师:杨宁 Yang Ning
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年 4月 April,2022
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
This series of paintings is not complicated, trying to depict the posture of a leaf, a flower and a bird. I hope that this series of works can show a simple and elegant but vibrant artistic conception of the world in spring.
作品名称:宋代花鸟六小品 | Six Sketches Of Flowers And Bird In Song Dynasty
作者:陈润敏 Chen Runmin
指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The whole work is composed of six small paintings. Influenced by the yuan style flower and bird paintings of the two Song Dynasties, the work focuses on expressing relaxing and soft charm combined with the own feelings of the author. The painting shows the autumn scenery, in which birds and butterflies are experiencing the fun among flowers like us.
作品名称:水墨花鸟图 | Ink and watercolor painting of birds and flowers
作者:王倩 Wang Qian
指导教师:周玮佳 Zhou Weijia
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The whole work consists of six paintings. Influenced by the Southern Song Dynasty ink and wash painting of flowers and birds and combined with the characteristics of the author’s own painting, it demonstrats the characteristics of agile and intentional of the Southern Song Dynasty painting, pursues the lightness of ink and wash, uses simple ink and wash instead of bright colours, and uses the language of painting to combine with real objects to express the aesthetic mood and modelling interest of "stillness" and "movement" in the painting.
作品名称:盼花 | Expecting Flowers
作者:陈思 Chen Si
指导教师:宋述林 Song Shulin
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
The whole six pieces of work, depicting the flowers, butterflies and white cat, mainly show a quiet vitality. It also expresses that life should be beautiful like flowers, as quiet as the white cat expecting flowers.
作品名称:远峰疏林图 | A picture of a distant peak and a sparse forest
作者:孙楠 Sun Nan
指导教师:李峰 Li Feng
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
整幅山水画以深远法构图,远处山峰起伏,层峦叠嶂 ; 树林郁郁葱葱,相互交映;小溪旁几座茅草屋,点缀在其间,可谓是桃源仙境一般。宛如身临其境,有可游可居之态,近景坡石上疏林屹立之上,高古、冷逸之感由此而发。整体展现出文人画的高古之气。
The whole landscape painting is composed in a far-reaching way, with undulating peaks layers of mountains in the distance; lush woods reflecting each other, a few thatched huts beside the stream, dotted in the middle, which can be described as a wonderland. When wathing it, the viewers are like being in the realm, with the state of being able to travel and live there. In the near view, the sparse forest on the slope rocks stands above, and the sense of high antiquity and coldness is thus developed. The overall painting shows the ancient atmosphere of literati painting.
作品名称:四时景趣图 | Four seasons scenery and interest map
作者:严瑾 Li Jiaqi
指导教师:高远 Gao Yuan
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年 4 月 3 日 April 3,2022
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
This work is a colored fine brush work, with smooth lines and meticulous color setting. Through apricot blossom, cat, lotus, parrot, persimmon, narcissus and other objects, it depicts the scenery and interest of the four seasons. The picture is full of vitality and interest. At the same time, it also expresses the longing and pursuit for a beautiful and quiet life.
作品名称:春山幽居图 | Secluded in Spring Hill
作者:宋长昊 Song Changhao
指导教师:高远 Gao Yuan
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
In the composition, trees, rocks and rivers are used to express the sense of depth. In the picture with a wide vision, the river extends down from the mountains, the rocks are thick, the vegetation is lush, and the water runs under the bridge. There is movement in the static, and static in the dynamic, forming a quiet and far-reaching atmosphere. This work expresses the the artistic conception of quiet and peaceful spring with small bridge, running water and lush trees.
作品名称:八景图 | Eight Views
作者:李嘉琪 Li Jiaqi
指导教师:李峰 Li Feng
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
整幅画面以八幅山水组合而成,每一幅山水独立成景。画中分别为千倾云、跻云阁、山塘、五圣台、剑池、松庵、悟石轩、千人石共 8处景色,这几处均为文人墨客雅集、饯别的活动场所。画面运用截断式构图,画面虽小,但意境深远。
The whole picture is composed of eight landscapes, each of which forms an independent scene. There are eight scenic spots in the painting, including Qianqingyun, Jiyun Pavilion, Shantang, Wushengtai, Jianchi, Song’an, Wushixuan and Qianrenshi, which are the places for the literati to gather and farewell. The picture uses truncated composition, making a far-reaching artistic conception on a small picture.
作品名称:山水轴 | Landscape Axisl
作者:黎涛 Li Tao
指导教师:李峰 Li Feng
材质:纸本 paper
创作时间:2022 年
作品分类:中国画 Chinese paintings
In This landscape axis is painted with different texturing ink colors, with its foreground composed of different trees, different small peaks in the middle scene and high peaks in distant view, so that people ca enjoy it form different angles.
作品名称:易儿婴幼儿用品设计 | Yi 'er Baby Products Design
作者:段秋怡 Duan Qiuyi
指导教师:袁硕 Yuan Shuo
媒材:棉质面料 玻璃 硅胶 纸 丝网印刷 数码喷印 Cotton Fabric, Glass, Silica Gel, Paper, Screen Printing, Digital Jet Printing
创作时间:2022年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:文创设计 Cultural and Creative Design
The design is inspired by traditional Chinese kites. With a history of more than 2,000 years, kites are valuable historical and cultural resources in China. Each kite is decorated with auspicious symbols, such as persimmon on behalf of "all the best", auspicious clouds on behalf of "auspicious and happy", goldfish on behalf of "abundant year after year" and so on, and pay attention to color matching, has a huge development and innovation and aesthetic value, has a special significance for the "aesthetic education enlightenment" of infants. The author selected representative baby products: saliva towel, belly pocket, milk bottle, tooth glue, early education picture book to design, committed to design a set of "aesthetic education enlightenment" value of baby products.
作品名称:民间年画在数字插画设计中的创新及应用 | Yearly
作者:郎春众 Lang Chunzhong
指导教师:郎雯 Lang Wen
媒材:胶版印刷、塑胶、棉布 Offset Printing, Plastic, Cotton
创作时间:2022 年 4 月 1 日 April 1,2022
研究领域:插画设计 Illustration Design
This design uses Yangjiabu New Year wood-plank paintings as inspiration. The colors of Yangjiabu New Year pictures have high appeal and expressive force, bright colors, rich varieties, high saturation, and their own distinct personality. Therefore, when drawing the color of the illustration, the color matching of Yangjiabu New Year pictures is taken as a reference. On the basis of retaining its characteristics, a little change is made to make it softer. The same color is added to make the picture transition naturally, and the changes of color hue and purity form layers, giving the picture a bright, lively and clever visual effect.The composition of the work is full, strong perspective and highlight the visual center, strengthen the details of the objects around the theme; And the different color purity opens the context of the picture. While inheriting the excellent essence of traditional New Year paintings, the painting language and elements of the new era are injected to combine the advantages of the two.
作品名称:山东寿光蔬菜产业集团产品包装改良设计 | Product Packaging Improvement Design Of Shandong Shouguang Vegetable Industry Group
作者:马浩铭 Ma Haoming
指导教师:吴春华 Wu Chunhua
媒材:胶版印刷 可环境降解塑料 牛皮纸 铜版纸 锌合金防水 PVC 布等 Offset Printing , Environmental Degradable Plastics , Kraft Paper , Coated Paper , Zinc Alloy , Waterproof PVCCloth , etc
创作时间:2022年 3 月 21 日 March 21,2022
研究领域:蔬菜包装改良 Improvement Of Vegetable Packaging
寿光蔬菜绿色包装设计改良主要从 IP 形象和包装及衍生品两三部分进行设计。IP 形象是从图形、色彩和文字三大方面进行,提取三种不同颜色的蔬菜,创作出了三个 IP形象。包装部分则是从材料和形式入手,材质上选择使用聚丙烯和纸质进行设计。简化了内在结构,简洁的结构搭配明快的平面就可以组建出一个受欢迎的现代风格包装。
Shouguang vegetable green packaging design improvement mainly from THE IP image and packaging and derivatives of two or three parts of the design. IP images are created by extracting vegetables of three different colors from three aspects of graphics, color and text. The packaging part starts from materials and forms, and chooses polypropylene and paper as materials for design. Simplify the internal structure, simple structure and bright plane can form a popular modern style packaging.
作品名称:一城一品——基于山东城市文化传播的 IP 衍生设计 | One City , One Product -- IP Derivative Design Based On Shandong City Cultural communication
作者:张文宁 Zhang Wenning
指导教师:马熙逵 Ma Xikui
媒材:棉质面料 胶版印刷等 Cotton Fabric , Ofset Printing , etc
创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:IP 衍生设计 IP Derived Design
此设计主要以插画的表现形式,整理济南、泰安、青岛、潍坊、济宁、菏泽、聊城、临沂 8 座山东城市的人文印象,基于每个城市的初步情感定位最大化程度地传达各个城市的独特地域化特征进一步激活城市文化发展动力。其中文化 IP 视觉表现元素取源于城市文化的多个方面,既可以是具象例如地标文物、历史遗迹等也可以是抽象的例如民间传说、人文精神等。
This design mainly in the form of illustration, sort out the cultural impression of jinan, Tai 'an, Qingdao, Weifang, Jining, Heze, Liaocheng, Linyi 8 Shandong cities, based on the initial emotional positioning of each city to maximize the unique regional characteristics of each city to further activate the power of urban cultural development. Among them,cultural IP visual expression elements are derived from many aspects of urban culture, which can be either concrete, such as landmark relics and historical relics, or abstract, such as folklore and humanistic spirit.
作品名称:基于东夷文化现代传播的博物馆网页设计 | Museum Web Page Design Based On Modern communication Of Dongyi Culture
作者:庄惜羽 Wang Wei
指导教师:马熙逵 Ma Xikui
媒材:棉质面料胶版印刷 Cotton Fabric , Offset Printing Creation
创作时间:2022年 4 月 1 日 April 1,2022
研究领域:网页设计和 IP 衍生设计 Web Design And IP Derived Design
此设计围绕东夷人所信奉的“鸟图腾”为创作灵感,进行地方博物馆形象传播相关设计。通过对东夷文化及其图腾特征进行梳理、整合,融合传统与现代审美元素对东夷文化博物馆官网进行再设计,同时,结合东夷文化进行创新延伸设计,基于文化 IP 设计促进博物馆文化传播与公教美育,发挥传统优秀文化价值,创作出更符合大众审美的网页设计。
This design is inspired by the "bird totem" believed by the Dongyi people, and carries out the design related to the image communication of local museums. Here culture and totem is characterized by combing, integration and fusion of traditional and modern aesthetic elements on here culture museum website redesign, at the same time, according to the design here culture innovation extends, IP design based on culture to promote culture and aesthetic education exhibition museum, play traditional excellent culture value, create more in line with the mainstream web design.
作品名称:“请坐” | " Please Sit Down "
作者:牛晓晨 Niu Xiaochen
指导教师:范奉存 Fan Fengcun
媒材:木料 铁丝 生物材料 书籍等 Wood , Wire , Biological Materials , Books , etc
创作时间:2022 年 4 月 15 日 April 15,2022
研究领域:装置设计 Device Design
Conceptually, the design will display the inner world of Peter Pan syndrome patients by means of installation art. This design work chooses the expression image is: chair. First, the use value of the chair is a short rest, Peter Pan syndrome is mainly caused by changes in living habits or living environment, the short-term burst of adaptation disorders, and did not rise to the height of mental disease, but a short-term psychological escape caused by emotional disorders. Just can be associated with the use value of the corresponding chair; Second, the secular symbolic significance of chairs in Chinese society and culture is status, while the most important psychological characteristics of Peter Pan syndrome patients are the avoidance and disidentification of their social identity, blindly avoiding childhood fantasies and unwilling to wake up. Therefore, this practice will use inappropriate and unusable chairs to express this psychology.
作品名称:孔子博物馆 IP 形象及衍生设计研究 Research On IP Image And Derivative Design Of Confucius Museum
作者:王昱化 Wang Yuhua
指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun
媒材:胶版印刷 Offset Printing
创作时间:2022年 4 月 21 日 April 21,2022
研究领域:IP 形象及衍生设计 IP Image And Derivative Design
此 IP 形象设计采用玄鸟为创作灵感。玄鸟作为传说中的神鸟,是商王朝的图腾,孔子是商朝贵族的后裔,玄鸟也就成为了孔子形象中的重要元素。运用恰当的配色使 IP 形象能够让人眼前一亮,又加强了现代色彩与造型形态上色调的紧密关系。在后期的衍生品设计中,进一步设计表情包等衍生作品,应用于衍生品中,使得产品更具现代趣味性,吸引更多学生、年轻人的喜爱。
This IP image design uses the black bird as the creative inspiration. As a legendary divine bird, the black bird was a totem of the Shang Dynasty. Confucius was a descendant of shang nobles, so the black bird became an important element in the image of Confucius. The use of appropriate color matching can make THE IP image shine at the eyes, and strengthen the close relationship between modern color and the shape of the tone. In the later derivative design, we will further design derivative works such as emoticons and apply them into derivatives to make the products more modern and interesting and attract more students and young people.
作品名称:以 < 丽人行 > 新舞剧服装为符号的文创衍生设计 | The Cultural Creation Derivative Design of The New Dance Drama Costume 《 Beauty 》
作者:张晓凡 Zhang Xiaofan
指导教师:吴春华 Wu Chunhua
媒材:亚克力板 塑料 数码印喷 纸 布 Acrylic Board , Plastic , Digital Printing , Paper , Cloth,etc
创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:符号文创衍生设计 Derivative Design Of Symbolic Cultural Creation
The design of 《Beauty》 ballet dress form, meaning and use the relevant analysis of visual art symbol, according to figures shed coat this action analysis, show the beauty line clothing is given priority to with two pieces of clothing characteristics, with yellow tone design characters with scarlet ornament, the last match with red background, Design 《Beauty》clothing visual art symbol as the final symbol. Based on this visual art symbol design, cultural and creative derivative design is made. To make creative design more life-oriented and modern in line withmodern cultural communication, and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.
作品名称:山东地方特色产品视觉设计研究—以孔府点心为例 | Research On The Visual Design Of Shandong Local Characteristic Products—Take Kongfu Dim Sum As An Example
作者:齐天儒 Qi Tianru
指导教师:郎雯 Lang Wen
媒材:特殊纸张 塑料 丝绸 帆布 胶版印刷等 Special Paper , Plastic , Silk , Canvas , Offset Printing , etc
创作时间:2022年 3 月 10 日 March 10,2022
研究领域:品牌视觉设计 Brand Visual Design
孔府点心早期主要用于进贡,馈赠,恩赏或配置与高规格的孔府家宴上,从未对外出售,直到近些年孔府点心才恢复制作,对外出售。孔府点心的标志设计以点心的形状为底,对“府”在字形结构上进行抽象概括,图形中融入孔府的建筑特征。打造宫廷仕女的 IP 形象,引出“自带宫廷属性的孔府点心”的卖点。运用插画的表现形式展现孔府点心的独具匠心的制作工序,拉近消费者与品牌的距离。致力于让百年历史的孔府点心焕发新生以及向外来旅客传播曲阜的文化。
In the early days, Kongfu dim sum was mainly used for tribute, gift, reward or configuration and high standard Kongfu family banquet. It has never been sold to the outside world. Until recent years, Kongfu dim sum has resumed production and sale. The logo design of Kongfu Dim sum is based on the shape of the dim sum. It abstractly summarizes the "fu" in the shape structure, and integrates the architectural characteristics of Kongfu into the figure. To create the IP image of court ladies, the selling point of "Kongfu Dessert with palace attributes" is introduced. Using the expression form of illustration to show the unique production process of Kong Fu dim sum, shorten the distance between consumers and the brand. It is committed to revitalizing the century-old Kongfu dim sum and spreading qufu culture to foreign visitors.
作品名称:“周礼六艺”系列包装设计 | " Gft Out Of Shandong " heme Gift Box Packaging
作者:张恒玮 Zhang Hengwei
指导教师:崔敬 Cui Jing
媒材:胶版印刷 可环境降解塑料 牛皮纸 铜版纸 Offset Printing , Environmentally Degradable Plastic , Kraft Coated Paper ,Zinc Alloy , Waterproof PVC Cloth , etc
创作时间:2022 年 4 月 16 日 April 16,2022
研究领域:“周礼六艺”系列包装设计 " Gft Out Of Shandong " heme Gift Box Packaging
此设计采用中国传统文化“周礼六艺”为创作灵感,以“礼出山东”为主题,进行一系列包装设计。画面讲求淡而雅,注重留白,多运用柔和的色彩和流动的线条。包装正面选择了青花蓝色的“六艺”形象设计,符合古代文人墨客的情理和怡性,与“六艺” 所教导给我们的气质如出一辙,营造出了一种儒雅的氛围感。此设计要点在于突出体现宁静、平淡和内心的祥和,感受到传统文化带给我们的自信和不卑不亢的力量。
This design adopts the Chinese traditional culture "Zhou Li six arts" as the creative inspiration, with "Gift out of Shandong" as the theme, carries on a series of packaging design. The picture emphasizes light but elegant, pays attention to white space, uses soft color and flowing line more. The front of the package chooses the blue and white blue "Six Arts" image design, in line with the ancient literati's sense of reason and happiness, and "six arts" taught to our temperament is exactly the same, creating a sense of elegant atmosphere. The key point of this design is to highlight the quiet, plain and inner peace, feel the traditional culture to bring us confidence and the powerof neither humble nor pushy.
作品名称:关爱社交恐惧症视觉设计 | Caring For Social Phobia Visual Design
作者:吴蓓 Wu Bei
指导教师:郎雯 Lang Wen
媒材:胶版印刷 纸 棉质面料 塑料 Offset Printing , Paper Cotton , Fabric Plastics Creation
创作时间:2022年 4 月 18 日 April 18,2022
尺寸:30×42 18×18(cm)
研究领域:海报设计、书籍设计 Poster Design , Book Design
This design takes social phobia as the title, tries to show the emotional behavior of social phobia group from the reverse to the audience through bright and dazzling, abstract visual symbol language, so that more people pay attention to a series of sub-health psychological state of social phobia group. Self-help books provide guidance for patients with social phobia, help patients express themselves smoothly, arouse the audience to pay attention to their inner world, and find a variety of better social possibilities.
作品名称:明清时期“喜相逢”纹样现代设计研究 | Ming And Qing Dynasties " Xi Meet " Pattern Of Modern Design
作者:安玉娇 An Yujiao
指导教师:崔敬 Cui Jing
媒材:刺绣 The Embroidery
创作时间:2022 年 3 月 2 日 March 2,2022
研究领域:图形设计 The Graphic Design
The pattern of "Happy reunion" is an important point in the traditional Chinese visual symbols. Along the historical line, it continues people's longing for and pursuit of "happy" things to the modern times. Based on the pattern of "Happy reunion" in The Ming and Qing Dynasties, the representative graphic cultural elements are extracted from the pattern, which are recombined according to the rules and laws of modern graphic expression to carry out modern design research and show it with traditional embroidery skills. It can not only realize the inheritance of traditional culture, but also promote the sustainable development of modern design industry.
作品名称:儒间—字体设计研究 | Confucianism Between Font
作者:韩吉轩 Han Jixuan
指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun
媒材:胶版印刷 Offset printing
创作日期:2022 年 2 月 12 日 February 12,2022
研究领域:字体设计 Font Design
The design is based on modern fonts and inspired by Confucian classics . combining conventional font and calligraphy font , and absorb the unique technique of expression of the ancient text structure , play their own personalized characteristic , at the same time , the Confucian culture belongs to the font characteristics of The Times , formed its own perfect font display system , glyph stable performance strong , vigorous atmosphere , at the same time has a unique personalized expression . The combination of ancient Chinese characters and modern font design , through modern design software , design thinking and design methods , absorbs the flash points of ancient characters and integrates them into a new type of font , which contains the traditional culture of Confucius and Mencius . The combination of modern and historical design can be applied in the future .
作品名称:招生系统中的大学形象设计——以山东财经大学为例 The University Image Design In The Enrollment System Shandong University Of Finance And Economics
作者:潘存伟 Pan Cunwei
指导教师:袁硕 Yuan Shuo
媒材:胶版印刷 Ofset Printing
创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:视觉系统设计 Visual System Design
这是一系列为山东财经大学所设计的招生服务形象的设计作品,目的是通过对山东财经大学的招生服务视觉形象进行统一的视觉规划,来进一步唤起相关受众的更深层面的感召力,以及增强在校师生的向心力,并给予社会一个统一的视觉形象。设计作品中主要的设计元素为山东财经大学的校园标志性建筑,在基础设计部分的辅助图形的设计,灵感来自传统图案中的云气纹,同时也与山东财经大学校园 VI 系统中的“云天””沃土”形象形成统一的设计语言。在应用设计部分,主要为录取通知书的设计和招生简章的设计,设计形式是将校园建筑以及校园风景通过插画的形象来展现,并应用在其中,同时也进行了相应的文创衍生设计,目的是更好的服务于山东财经大学的招生工作。
This is a series of design by Shandong university of finance and economics admissions service image of the design work, the purpose is through to the shandong university of finance and economics admissions service visual image of a unified visual planning, to further arouse the relevant audience appeal at a deeper level, and enhance the centripetal force of teachers and students in the university, and to give a unified visual image in society. The main design element in the design works is the campus landmark building of Shandong University of Finance and Economics. The design of auxiliary graphics in the basic design part is inspired by the cloud gas pattern in the traditional pattern, and forms a unified design language with the image of "cloud sky" and "fertile soil" in the CAMPUS VI system of Shandong University of Finance and Economics. In the application design part, mainly for the design of admission notice and enrollment brochure, the design form is to show the campus architecture and campus scenery through the image of illustration, and applied in it, but also the corresponding cultural and creative derivative design, the purpose is to better serve the recruitment work of Shandong University of Finance and Economics.
作品名称:儒家五常插画研究 | The P5 Illustrations
作者:沈天硕 Shen Tianshuo
指导教师:贾红云 Jia Hongyun
媒材:胶版印刷等 Offset Printing , etc
创作时间:2022年 3 月 25 日 March 25,2022
研究领域:插画设计 Illustration Design
This illustration design uses representative figures "Liu, Guan, Zhang" three people as creative inspiration, the Confucian Wuchang culture has a profound influence in China, and the dynasty of the material prototype is the Han Dynasty. Deeply influenced by Confucianism, Liu Bei and Guan Yu, who were virtuous and courteous, and faithful and righteous, became sworn friends with Zhang Fei taoyuan, setting a benchmark for later generations in life, and their way of life was the realistic expression of the Confucian five constant thoughts. Therefore, Wuchang illustration selects representative figures for illustration creation publicity, aiming to make it more modern and interesting, and attract more people to pay attention to and love. The creation of illustration adopts a more cartoon form to make the picture different from the traditional character image in the past, which can provide some reference for its modern communication.
作品名称:山东彩印花布图案再生设计 | Shandong Color Printed Fabric Pattern Regeneration Design
作者:刘晓宇 Liu Xiaoyu
指导教师:马洪骥 Ma Hongji
媒材:棉质面料 丝绸面料 pc 材质等 Cotton Fabric , Silk Fabric , PC Material Creaion
创作时间:2022 年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:文创设计 Cultural Creative Design
The design is mainly based on the Shandong color printed fabric design innovation as the starting point of exploration, analysis of the unique artistic characteristics of color printed fabric design, summarize the pattern features. He pattern design is mainly created by extracting and summarizing auspicious elements from the color printed fabric. The implied meanings of the six basic drawings respectively represent the good wishes of realizing ideal, family prosperity, longevity and health, auspicious wealth, god-given marriage and good luck. The implication of the pattern in the color printed fabric gives the new connotation of The Times on the applied cultural and creative products.
作品名称:云冈文创设计应用研究 | Yungang Impression
作者:王温馨 An Yujiao
指导教师:袁硕 Yuan Shuo
媒材:胶版印刷 Offset Printing
创作时间:2022年 4 月 21 日 April 21,2022
研究领域:文创设计 Wen Gen Design
With the theme of Yungang Grottoes and ethnic integration as the starting point of creative design, commercial illustration design as an example, extract the grotto color blue, red, yellow, white and black and transform them into the performance of the application design scheme, "Hope", "warm", "glory", "purity" and "deep" are also the meanings contained in the five colors. embodies the long and splendid cultural tradition of the Chinese nation and the cultural spirit of upholding social morality, so that consumers can feel more authentic by the charm of traditional culture. This design is designed for the purpose of increasing the cultural attraction of Yungang, awakening consumers' memory and understanding of cultural emotions, and promoting the integration anddevelopment of traditional culture.
作品名称:食彩之邑——基于鲁西北美食的系列插画及设计研究 | The Colorful City - Rcscarch On Illustration And Design Based On Northwest Shandong Cuisine
作者:王维 Wang Wei
指导教师:马熙逵 Ma Xikui
媒材:胶版印刷 Ofset Printing
创作时间:2022 年 2 月 12 日 February 12,2022
研究领域:插画设计艺术 The Art Of Ilustration Design
The function and purpose of this illustration work is to promote and spread northwest Shandong characteristic food culture, show the rich tourism resources of Shandong inland cities. In the process of illustration creation, the forms and characteristics of northwest Shandong cuisine are systematically explored and analyzed, the shapes, colors, forms and meanings of food materials are summarized to a certain extent. The warm and bright colors of "Northwest Shandong Cuisine Series illustrations" not only reflect the simple folk customs and enthusiasm of northwest Shandong, more can express the theme of the work, attract the attention of the audience,so that its deep impression.
作品名称:书籍封面设计 | Book Cover Design
作者:仲曼曼 Wang Wei
指导教师:袁硕 Yuan Shuo
媒材:纸 Paper
创作时间:2022年 3 月 12 日 March 12,2022
研究领域:插画 Illustrations
According to the understanding of the text content, draw an abstract illustration of a book cover. The novel has a clear theme and Line. The emotional tone is consistent throughout, its cover illustration is obviously original. Abstract illustration can integrate the emotional relationship between characters and scenes to render a unique atmosphere. Customize postcards for the novel.
美 国 拿 撒 勒 大 学
Title: Corbett's Glen / Portal | 科贝特峡谷 / 入口
Name:Raechelle Hajduk 拉谢尔·哈伊杜克
Instructor: Ron Netsky
Medium: Hand-Colored Lithograph 手绘平版
Date of Completion: Spring 2020
Size: 20in x 23in
Area of Study: Printmaking
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
My work explores the dichotomy between the organic chaos of nature and the geometric organization of man-made architecture. I apply a streamofconsciousmethod to monoprints, as I spontaneously alter the ink on the plate. Combining impulsivity with diligence creates a unique combination of textures and atmospheres wintin my work. My work is heavily inspired by architecture and nature trails around Rochester. Printmaking techniques such as hand coloring lithographs, continue to inspire me by referencing Currier and Ives, from the nineteenth century.
Title: My Old Lover | 逝去的爱
Name:Sami Just 萨米 • 贾斯特
Instructor: Mitch Messina (Now on Tour: The Three Skies) and Stefan Zoller (My Old Lover)
Medium: Watercolor 水彩
Date of Completion: Spring2022 /2022 春季
Size: 18in x 24in
Area of Study: Drawing 绘画
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
While using watercolor I will listen to music and paint whatever the music makes me feel . This piece isa painting to the song " Stil Crazy after all These Years by Paul Simon Reminiscing about all of theheartache that has struck my life , I am simultaneously reminded of the immense love that is alsopresent . The grief and sorrow in combination with joy and play is exactly what this piece represents for me .
在使用水彩时,我会听着音乐,画出音乐带给我的感觉。这首歌是保罗·西蒙( Paul Simon )的《依然疯狂》( StilICrazy )中的一幅画。这些年来,保罗·西蒙( Paul Simon )回忆起了我生命中所有的心痛,我同时想起了同样存在的巨大的爱。悲痛和哀伤与欢乐和游戏相结合,正是这幅作品对我的意义所在。
Title: The Three Skies | 三个天空
Name:Sami Just 萨米 • 贾斯特
Instructor: Mitch Messina (Now on Tour: The Three Skies) and Stefan Zoller (My Old Lover)
Medium: Clay 粘土
Date of Completion:Fall 2021 /2021 秋季
Size: 5in x 14in
Area of Study: Ceramics 陶瓷
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
I was inspired by the flow of the universe and the curves of the body for this piece Voluminous shapesand curving lines merging together to create a form that at some angles resembles the human bodyThe organic shapes created also resemble clouds and remind me of the sky on a starry night .
Title: Honey Package | 蜂蜜包装
Name:Trisha Taber 特里莎·塔伯
Instructor: Steve Wehner
Medium: Photoshop, Illustrator
Date of Completion: Fall 2021
Size: 10in x 8in
Area of Study: Graphic Design 平面设计
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
Looking at shelves of products and their packaging in the grocery store gave me the inspiration to make something that I would want to see on the shelves. Looking at honey packaging specifically, it looked a little outdated. Seeing this, I created a colorful package with shapes that complement the nature of honeycombs while adding a warm, retro feel.
Title: Oxford Market Website | 牛津市场网站
Name:Trisha Taber 特里莎·塔伯
Instructor: Steve Wehner
Medium: Photoshop, Illustrator,Photography
Date of Completion: Fall 2021
Size: 10in x 8in
Area of Study: Graphic Design 平面设计
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
Going to the flower shop websites to purchase a gift made me realize that a lot of florist websites are very traditional, and this gave me inspiration to create my own. I created a brand that would reflect higher class and modernity while still looking inviting. The use of my own photography compliments the layout and how a newer version of how a florist business would look.
Title: Self Porait | 自画像
Name:Jasmine Weiskopff 贾斯敏 · 韦斯科普夫
Instructor: Ron Netsky
Medium: Printmaking, LinoCut 印刷,油毡浮雕图案
Date of Completion: February, 2022
Size: 24in x 24in
Area of Study: Printmaking 印刷
Creative Idea Behind the Project (Artist Statement):
This past semester I have been exploring my own relationship with my body. I have experienced a lot of body dysmorphia throughout my life and I tend to over exaggerate my insecurities in my artwork as well. In this piece, I cropped the image so that the viewer cannot look away from my ‘imperfections’. While viewing this work in person, the scale is over double life size.